How to generate B2B Leads

As per recent studies, 40% of salespeople believe that prospecting as the most difficult part of doing sales. Most of the time it is the most crucial hindrance to meeting quota, and the ability to find the right prospects effectively and bring in qualified leads helps in sales to a very large extent.

Whether you’re a rep searching for fresh new leads avenues or a marketer trying work with the sales team I in generating leads, KIA Biz can help you out in making your efforts more effective.

How to Generate Leads for B2B Sales
  • Effective segmentation and B2B list building
First things first. Before you even start the process of prospecting, you need to identify who is the right customer. Get together with your team and identify who is the right segment for your product or service. In which industries can you contribute with your product? Which industries will really benefit from your product or service? This is a very crucial step called segmentation.

Once segmentation is precisely completed, next step would be to identify which companies and departments would like to buy your service or product. For eg, if you are selling an HRMS software, then HR departments of different companies would be your buyer. So, now we need to build a good list of prospects. Remember, list building is very critical. It gives rise to a good prospect database. The better your list, the targeted your efforts can be in prospect acquisition.
  •  Effective B2B Marketing Strategy
Once you have a good list, the next step would be to identify which marketing strategy is to be implemented. Depending on the segment, you can choose the right marketing activity. You also need to consider the geography of your prospects while deciding on the right marketing activity. For e.g. If you are looking at Europe as a market, only e-mail marketing will not work. So, be careful.

What we would recommend is that choose a blend of inbound and outbound marketing strategy. It has to be a good blend of activities such as e-mail marketing, content marketing, SEO, PPC and outbound calling. Some critics may argue cold calling doesn’t work anymore but the truth is effective B2B marketing includes a blend of all these activities. Amidst intense competition and so much of noise, you cannot afford to ignore any of these activities. Certain activities work better for certain geographies. For e.g. e-mail marketing works better for North America however it fails in Europe. Similarly, cold calling works better in Europe but not so well in North America.
  • Effective B2B Content Marketing
Currently when the whole world is facing the COVID-19 crisis, one strategy that is working the best is content marketing. As the entire word is restricted inside their homes and work from home is the new normal, content marketing is working better than ever. People are still consuming content while staying are home.

At KIA Biz, we can help you with all these activities right from list building, e-mail marketing, SEO, PPC and content marketing. We help you in making all these activities more targeted and hence we help you in better B2B prospecting.  For all these service, do connect with us at


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